Album Brief: Wang Chung – Tazer Up! (2012)

Released: December 2012 // Label: Digitally Sound

Where have Wang Chung been for the last twenty-five years, I hear you not asking? Well, I haven’t the slightest. But this “new” album starts with an “old” song, or rather, a surprisingly neat reworking of an ancient artifact called “Dance Hall Days” from 1984. All well and good, but the record in question subsequently spins into some insane guitar-pop revolution that blows the ol’ noggin clear off. Knowing that the boys are gray-haired and antique these days, it boggles the mind to think that they could rattle off cool phrases like “living rent free in my head” and “feeling a twat and starting to look it,” lay down an intricate acoustic solo, sling around calls for diversity, and still have time for synths and falsettos and cold pop beats. Genius is the word that comes to mind.

Grade: B+

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